“Because of the arctic nightless nights, hemp cultivars can grow fast in natural environments in the fields of even the Northernmost parts of Finland. Hemp cultivars require a lot of light to grow, and the Finnish summer provides this to the farmers naturally – therefore there is no need to add artificial lighting, resulting in reduced emissions and lesser harmful impact on the environment.
Our Northernmost crops are grown in the fields of Tyrnävä is our clean and natural environment where the high-quality raw material for Hempaattinen cosmetic products is grown – 100 % free of additives, preservatives, and other environmentally harmful toxins.
In the late summer, when the fields have turned straw yellow under the sun and you can hear the concerto of cicadas on the darkening, warm evenings, the hemp crops start to flower and bloom, providing much-needed nutrition for the bees and pollinators to feed on in preparation for the coming winter. In this idyllic scene, at the end of August and early September, Hempattinen works to harvest the finest quality hemp from the fields. All work is done by hand to ensure the important compounds of the hemp stay intact for the extraction and cold-press processing. This gives the basis for the high-quality Finnish craftsmanship that our products are known for.”
The production of Hempaattinen commenced in late 2018 inspired by an autumn hemp harvest at a former sanatorium in Paattinen, Turku area – a voluntary weekend that was attended by a group of long-term unemployed, socially outcast individuals, many of which live and work now at the Hempaattinen Innovation Centre.