Brands Behind Nominees: Boreacus

In the awards autumn series of blog posts, we get to know the brands behind the nominee products of the Nordic Natural Beauty Awards 2023. In this post, we are proud to share more about the Finnish natural cosmetics brand Boreacus, as told by the brand:

“The people behind Boreacus

Our family includes two teenage children, a dog and us: Tiitu and Pasi. Tiitu has worked as a physiotherapist for 30 years, of which the last twenty years as a physiotherapy and pilates entrepreneur. Currently, this eternal student is supplementing her knowledge by studying traditional Chinese medicine. In recent years, Finnish wild herbs have taken over the area. Pasi is a forester. In addition, he has studied sales and marketing and the cosmetics industry. Educational background and work, as well as hobbies related to nature, have contributed to the inspiration for Boreacus’s initial journey. We are both down-to-earth people and believe that nature takes care.

Brand of Boreacus

The basic idea of ​​the products is that what you wouldn’t put in your mouth, don’t put on your skin. That’s why we want to offer products without additives. Today’s chemical load, e.g. food, air pollution, cosmetics, detergents and disinfectants and poor quality indoor air, is huge. For our part, we want to lighten this burden by offering chemical-free, pure natural alternatives. Respecting nature.

Boreacus products have been created for people who appreciate the naturalness of the product without additives without compromising on quality.

Boreacus is: Natural, effective, gentle, reliable, high quality, you might be surprised.

Award-nominated product Boreacus Resin Salve 20%

In Boreacus Resin Salve, traditional knowledge has been brought back to the present day. Its main ingredient is pure resin collected from Finnish forests. Thanks to organic olive oil, the product can be stored for a long time. The beeswax used in the resin salve is produced by bees from Lahti, and thanks to the shea butter, the salve absorbs well. With these four ingredients, an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory product was obtained. Resin salve treats wounds and other skin damage, chapped lips, burns, mosquito bites, very dry skin (e.g. cracked heels), acne and nail fungus.

Salve is easy to use, safe and effective for both humans and animals. Without water, it can also be used in severe frosts. As a bonus, the products are packed in stylish boxes that are easy to take along.

Behind the scenes

Ideas for products arise from the needs of our family or friends and they are further refined, often while walking with the dog. If the other jobs don’t come on acutely, the first test batch can be created after the forest walk.

On production days, the whole family is involved according to their own areas of responsibility: adults prepare and can, children put labels and pack. It’s our family quality time!

At first, Boreacus products were sold at Tiitu’s PilatesLahti studio. Customers promote products to each other and pass them on as presents. This is how Boreacus’s message spreads. Pay it forward. Today, the products are also sold in our own online store and at retailers. 

The use of resin

Research has been conducted in Finland on the use of resin in the treatment of wounds and the results have been good. Already during our short history, Boreacus resin salve has been used to treat any kind of skin problem. Both the corners of a cat’s eyes and the moles of an elderly person have been treated. Some problems have required a longer treatment period and some have been treated with a few treatments.

Together with the customers, we marvel at their experiences and write everything down. For example, our research on how Boreacus resin salve can remove moles from the skin is still a bit in progress. The most wonderful and perhaps most logical thing has been to notice how nature takes care of nature, i.e. also humans.

With resin-scented greetings,

Tiitu and Pasi”

Get to know Boreacus even better on the brand’s website at and follow the brand’s journey on Boreacus’ Instagram account >

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