Luonkos – Innovative Cosmetics Brand That Inspires Change

In the awards autumn series of blog posts, we get to know the brands and people behind the nominee products of the Nordic Natural Beauty Awards 2021. In this post, we are proud to let the Finnish innovative cosmetics brand Luonkos share their story and about...

Soil Of Beauty – Soil Is The Root Of All Beauty

In the awards autumn series of blog posts, we get to know the brands and people behind the nominee products of the Nordic Natural Beauty Awards 2021. In this post, we are proud to share more about the Finnish skincare brand Soil Of Beauty and the founder of the...

Meet Andrea Endres – the woman behind the awards’ international partner events

“It is always magical to me how you get what you give. I met Satu Mäkinen and her amazing project Nordic Natural Beauty Awards through talking about what is close to my heart and whoops, someone connected us, and here we are, spreading the word on natural beauty...

Laura Loukola Dives Into Trending Nordic Beauty Ingredients

Who? Laura Loukola is a Photographer, Illustrator, and Beauty Content Creator based in Helsinki, Finland. Laura’s trademark is combining her “nerdy” passion for beauty with aesthetic, inspiring imagery. She loves good coffee, cats, and makeup brushes. From time to...